Welcome to EMCL
The European Master's in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) that has been running for over 20 years. The newest edition is offered by the universities of Eastern Finland (Finland), Ghent (Belgium) and Groningen (The Netherlands). We also collaborate with 23 excellent associated partners.
EMCL-25 is a 24-month, 120 ECTS, full-time research master’s programme that provides students with training in clinical linguistics, neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics. We fund and prepare very talented and motivated students to carry out original research and to be widely employable in academia (PhD) and/or industry (e.g. neurotechnology, clinical sector).
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Key information
- Requirements and applications - here
- Modules and courses - here
- Course overview
- World map and list of EMCL alumni (2005-2019)
- Erasmus Mundus Association (students and alumni organization)
- Consortium Agreement
- For more information, please contact: emcl@rug.nl